newbie: "fake" README for remote of a `vcsh` repo?

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at
Tue Feb 10 21:38:35 CET 2015

TomRoche 9 Feb 2015 ~1730 EST [1]
>>> I thought I could do something like

>>>   $ mkdir -p ~/info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/
>>>   # edit ~/info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/README.rst
>>>   $ pushd ~/info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/
>>>   $ ls -al # check to see that it indeed is there
>>>   $ vcsh vcsh-bash add README.rst
>>>   $ vcsh vcsh-bash status | | head -n 20
>>>   ...
>>>   > Changes to be committed:
>>>   ...
>>>   >       new file:   README.rst

>>> but vcsh is too smart for that:

>>>   $ vcsh vcsh-bash commit -m 'add a README for the remote'
>>>   *  create mode 100644 info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/README.rst

Vincent Demeester Tue Feb 10 19:30:08 CET 2015 (rearranged) [2]
>> create/edit the README "outside" ~/ and vcsh (in another working copy).

Richard Hartmann Tue, 10 Feb 2015 20:47:36 +0100 [3]
> I am still not 100% sure if I understand what you want.

How 'bout this for an example (where change from [1] indicated by '*' above and below):

$ vcsh vcsh-bash init
$ vcsh vcsh-bash add ~/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_profile ~/.bashrc
$ vcsh vcsh-bash commit ...
# create vcsh-bash-remote==
$ vcsh vcsh-bash push vcsh-bash-remote master

$ mkdir -p ~/info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/
# edit ~/info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/README.rst
$ pushd ~/info/software/vcsh/fake_repositories/vcsh-bash-fake/
$ ls -al # check to see that it indeed is there
$ vcsh vcsh-bash add README.rst
$ vcsh vcsh-bash status | head -n 20
> Changes to be committed:
>       new file:   README.rst
$ vcsh vcsh-bash commit -m 'add a README for the remote'
*  create mode 100644 README.rst

$ vcsh vcsh-bash push vcsh-bash-remote master
# shows the README content

I'm sure I don't know much about `mr` other than that it means "[support for] multiple repositories" (and I might be wrong even about that :-) soooo ... can it support something like this?

FWIW, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at>


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