mr update on secondary machines

Abhishek Dasgupta abhidg at
Sat Jun 12 09:05:09 CEST 2010

Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2010, Abhishek Dasgupta wrote:
> > As I plan on using other machines with the configs as well, how can I
> > configure so that git can pull via the ssh://git... address to my server
> > in crontab? Is there any way ssh-agent can be accessed within crontab,
> > or must these secondary machines pull via anonymous git:// URLs?
> in my mrsetup which I adopted from martin, I can say what kind of
> machine it is -- private or public... for private it would use ssh://
> for public git:// urls (+enable/disable some of the modules)
> > Anonymous updating is OK, but I won't be able to push from these
> > machines. Does anyone have an idea about how to get around this problem?
> you can always add an ssh:// remote for that rare case when you need to
> push anything -- most of the time I don't push much from public  boxes,
> and if I feel I need to customize heavily, I customize on
> "private" box, pushing from there, and then pulling into
> public one -- just a lazy solution ;)

For manual pulling/pushing it isn't a problem at all. It is only the
pulling over ssh:// from cron (for private data), that I could not
figure out how to. I will try the git-shell method Joey posted for that.


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