Proposing a VCS-Home wiki

Martin Fick mogulguy at
Sun Nov 5 08:05:45 CET 2006

--- Kelly Clowers <kelly.clowers at> wrote:

> That's great! A wiki is just the thing for this
> kind of setup.


> Can I link to the wiki and the list from my
> website?

Of course.  Thanks for asking (but not required).

> Not that anyone vists my site or anything...

I know the feeling, except for spiders, of course. :)

> Maybe someone should ask about linking to Joey's
> article
> (is he on this list)? And there is at least one
> other doument
> about vcs-home out on the web somewhere... Here it
> is:

Added both! I could be way off, but I hardly think
that linking to a web page requires asking, or is even
expected for good etiquette, is it?

> I'll try get around to putting some stuff on the
> wiki fairly soon.



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