vcsh repo status output

Matthias Thubauville matthias.thubo at
Thu May 26 19:06:48 CEST 2016

Hi Marc,

I'm using vcsh in combination with myrepos, but here is how I solved the
issue: You can use a .gitignore.d folder which contains a gitignore file
for each vcsh repository

# vcsh bash config -l | grep excludesfile

# git config -l | grep excludesfile

# cat .gitignore.d/bash

# vcsh list | grep bash

It does not solve the fact that you have to use -f while adding files,
however I tend to update the corresponding file in ~/.gitignore.d

Hope that helps,

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 6:23 PM, Marc Haber <mh+vcs-home at>

> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 08:20:55AM -0700, Corey Quinn wrote:
> > Yes. That's how I run it, anyway. It's been working flawlessly for years.
> >
> > Remember, each repository doesn't know about the others; it's entirely
> > possible to get "duelling repos" that keep switching the same file back
> and
> > forth.
> Too bad that committing * in .config/vcsh/repo.d/dotfiles.git/info/exclude
> will fail for the same reason as committing a dotfiles.git/config
> file. Since I need a post-checkout hook anyway, I will add this to the
> hook as well.
> Using the .gitignore / info/exclude approach, however, has the side
> effect of needing -f to add any file, which will probably train
> finger memory to always use -f.
> Greetings
> Marc
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