Dotfilemanager 1.0.0 released

Sean Hammond snhmnd at
Mon Feb 23 18:25:04 CET 2015

No new features or bug fixes - I just finally published it to PyPI so
you can do:

    pip install dotfilemanager

I still use this little script all the time, has been doing just what it
was meant to for five years.

There are better dotfile managers with more interesting feature sets out
there by now, but where dotfilemanager shines is simplicity - there
isn't even any configuration, all it does is handle making and cleaning
up symlinks for you.

If I were to do any more work on it the first thing I'd do is write a
set of simple automated tests for it so I can make changes and know I
haven't broken anything. But honestly I'm not sure it needs any work.


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