Version Control for Writers

Dylan Kinnett dylan at
Wed Jul 31 23:31:51 CEST 2013

Hello group,

I joined this group because I'm interested in using version control
software to help writers, editors, publishers, scholars and archivists. In
my efforts to figure this out, I've been introduced to Git, and to
Flashbake, and to Git-Annex Assistant. These powerful tools are great!
Because I'm a web developer in my day job, I'm sure I'll be able to learn
them quickly enough and put them to work. The trouble is, most of the
people I work on writing with are not so skilled with computers. Since most
of this stuff is open source, I'm looking for ways to make these tools a
little more user friendly, for the average writer, editor, etc.

Here is a link to a blog post where I detailed some of my early thoughts on
the subject:

I would be grateful for any thoughts, comments, advice, etc. that any of
you might be able to provide.

Dylan Kinnett

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