mr/vcsh integration

Andre Klärner kandre at
Sun Apr 28 23:02:15 CEST 2013

On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 07:55:59PM +0200, Richard Hartmann wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Andre Klärner <kandre at> wrote:
> > Well, that's mostly due to my laziness, as I know which repos I always want
> > to use (like bash, zsh and vim) and which should rather not be checked out.
> > I was probaply also quite lazy and did not implement it for all repos that
> > are maintained in my mrconfig (laziness + nightshift boredom are sometime
> > good and sometime make you miss things ;)
> Janine Grosse needed to work around that ;)

Well, ideally I should have thought about that earlier. that commit came
quickly when I just needed to get a proper mutt config ;)

> That's precisely why symlinks are nicer.

Point taken. Maybe I will create an automatism for moving into a new
machine, that determines which ones should get enabled and places the
symlinks once.

What is the move-in best practice used by others? Always create the
config.d/* symlinks after cloning the mr-repository?

thanks and regards,

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