how to refactor path duplication in .mrconfig section headers?

Richard Hartmann richih.mailinglist at
Fri Oct 28 21:03:03 CEST 2011

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 18:45, Joey Hess <joey at> wrote:

> mr can look much nicer if you take advantage of locality and chaining.
> By locality, I mean putting a mrconfig close to the directories it
> checks out, rather than in some standards-body controlled directory like
> ~/.config.

You mean that ~/.git-repos contains the actual repos? I.e. that every
repo comes with its own .mrconfig? I used that approach at first, but
I feel the symlinks (here they are ;) from ~/.config/mr/
to ~/.config/mr/config.d are more flexible. Plus, you get central
management of all mr configs. That can be handy when you want to make
a global update on a machine which does not have all your
mr-controlled repos checked out.


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