how to refactor path duplication in .mrconfig section headers?

Adam Spiers vcs-home at
Fri Oct 28 17:42:16 CEST 2011

If I have multiple repository paths all similar but spread across
different .mrconfig files, e.g.

in ~/.mrconfig

    checkout = ...

in ~/.config/mr/config.d/CLI:



and in ~/.config/mr/config.d/GUI:



then the DRY fascist inside me is irked by the duplication.  I'd much
rather write this in ~/.mrconfig:

    lib = MR_GIT=$HOME/.git-repos

    checkout = ...

and then ~/.config/mr/config.d/CLI would have:



and in ~/.config/mr/config.d/GUI:



However this doesn't work - I'm guessing that variable expansion in
the section headers is done in Perl, so is not influenced by the
shell-code in the DEFAULT lib?

So is there any other way of avoiding this duplication?


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