Checking out .ssh directory

Ken Bloom kbloom at
Tue Jan 23 18:07:59 CET 2007

On Tuesday 23 January 2007 10:37, Kevin T. Neely wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, martin f krafft wrote:
> > also sprach Kevin T. Neely <ktneely at> 
[2007.01.23.0531 +0000]:
> >> I imported the .ssh directory earlier, but now when I try to
> >> perform an update o nthe directory, it fails because there is
> >> already an .ssh  directory there.  Same thing wwhen I try to blow
> >> it away and then resume the update: svn+ssh:// of course creates
> >> the directory as it authenticates with the server.
> >
> > it's a catch-22 situation. The way to work around it is:
> >
> >  mv .ssh/known_hosts ~
> >  rm -rf .ssh
> >  svn mkdir .ssh
> >  mv known_hosts .ssh
> >  svn add .ssh/known_hosts
> >  svn up
> Thank you!  I knew there had to be a workaround, but I'm still
> learning my way around svn.  Unfortunately, this did not quite work
> for me.  Note: I have already imported the .ssh dir and contents into
> my home dir repository.  I get the following:
> ktneely at piglet:~$ svn mkdir .ssh/
> A         .ssh
> ktneely at piglet:~$ mv known_hosts .ssh/
> ktneely at piglet:~$ svn add .ssh/known_hosts
> A         .ssh/known_hosts
> ktneely at piglet:~$ svn up
> ktneely at piglet's password:
> svn: Failed to add directory '.ssh': object of the same name already
> exists
> Do I need to do a 'svn delete' directly on the .ssh directory in the
> repository?  When I say 'directly' I mean something like
> 'svn rm svn+ssh://piglet.../.ssh'

Why not see whether the files you want in .ssh can be stored elsewhere 
and symlinked into place? Then you can use an svnfix-like script to 
symlink those files into the appropriate place in .ssh and you don't 
have to check out the .ssh directory itself (which is difficult).

For me, I have the .ssh directory in subversion, but I check out 
the .ssh directory using the svn:// protocol since there's nothing 
secret in it. This avoids the whole problem.


Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.
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