Experiment managing dot-files with TopGit

Antonio Ospite ospite at studenti.unina.it
Wed Mar 9 17:24:59 CET 2011


for those who don't know, TopGit[1] is a patch management system on top
of git; basically what it offers is an easy way to track dependencies
between git branches and export them to patches, so I tried to use it to
manage my dot-files using one branch per program (a branch for vim
files, a branch for bash files, etc.) having them merged together like
in a "union" operation into a single branch.

I wrote a Makefile (attached) to automate some tasks, and I've written a
tutorial explaining how it works, temporarily here:

I am also attaching the .txt version of the tutorial in case you want
to quote something from it on reply.

This is meant mainly for discussion as I still see some fragility in
this approach, maybe on the long run having topgit messing up with
the history could even nullify the point of having the files under
version control at all; and I have also some doubts about working on
such a repository in a collaborative way.

Anyhow, I spent some hours putting the experiment together and I just
wanted to share it and ask for your opinion, as there are people here
who have been thinking to similar problems for a longer time than I

I suspect I'll end up putting all my dot-files in a single repository
with a rather flat structure, eventually :)


[1] http://repo.or.cz/w/topgit.git

Antonio Ospite

PGP public key ID: 0x4553B001

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
   See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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